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Grigorii Armeev |

Grigorii Armeev

0079067595635 armeev [at] molsim [dot] org sa1ary Academic degree:
Position: graduate student

Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Bioengineering Department Specialist of Biophysics; graduated in July 2014 Thesis: “Revealing principles of nucleosome formation via molecular modeling”
Research Experience
Undergraduate Researcher, October 2010 to present. Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Bioengineering Department Performed research under Ph.D Alexey Shaytan on atomistic computer simulations of nucleosomes and elongation complexes. The research was funded by RFBR grant 12-04-31942.
Computer Experience
Programming Languages –C/C++, Python, Perl, Bash
Scientific Applications–GROMACS, NAMD, VMD, Chimera, 3DNA e.t.c.
Designed and maintained HPC Beowulf clusters.
Vast experience with 3D graphics.
Other Experience
Built and maintained homebrew extrusion 3D printer,January 2013 to present.

Research interests

Protein and nucleic acids dynamics, Molecular modeling, molecular biology, epigenetics


Supercomputer simulations of structure and dynamics of nucleosomes, funded by RFBR grant 12-04-31942.

Modeling of experiments on determining the structure of proteins based on diffraction of ultrashort X-ray laser pulses on nanocrystals of different sizes, funded by RFBR grant 14-04-31608.

Development of 3D Printer for biocompatible polymers, funded by FAISE grant 2371ГУ1/2014.


Selected publications

Г.А. Армеев, В. Н. Блинов, А.А. Севенюк, В.М. Студитский, А.К. Шайтан. “Моделирование нуклеосом методами атомистического суперкомпьютерного моделирования ” // International Journal of Qafqaz University (PHYSICA), 2013, Vol 1, Number 2, pp. 91-9